Find out about hidden food allergies

Find out about hidden food allergies

 Hidden food allergies and food sensitivities can trigger cravings.

Did you know that if you have wheat gluten or milk allergies and you eat wheat or dairy products, it can reduce blood flow to the brain and decrease your judgment? That makes you more likely to give in to your cravings.

In addition, many of the symptoms associated with food allergies, such as headaches, sleep problems, lack of concentration, and anxiety, can increase stress and cravings.

One of the things that might surprise you about hidden food allergies is that the foods you are allergic to are often the ones you crave the most. It seems counterintuitive, but it is true. So if you have a sensitivity to chocolate, that may be part of the explanation why you crave it. A sensitivity to gluten could make you crave bread, muffins, and other baked goods. I often order a delayed food allergy test, called IgG. If you suspect food allergies ask your doctor to test you for it or try an elimination diet.