Spices to Combat Meal Boredom

Spices to Combat Meal Boredom
Spices really do combat meal fatigue!!

What Are Spices?

Spices are aromatic flavorings from seeds, fruits, bark and other plant parts. Used to season and preserve food, and as medicines, dyes, and perfumes, spices have been highly valued for thousands of years

Tip to Get Best Flavor From Spices

To get the best flavor from your spices, “toast” them in a dry skillet over low heat, stirring frequently, until they start to release their aromas. Even ground spices can perk up a bit after a quick toast in a skillet, but ones that are too old and faded are generally beyond repair.

Benefits of Spices

  1. Many are anti-inflammatory
  2. Some can support metabolism
  3. You start to crave healthier food because it no longer tastes bland or boring
  4. You can drastically reduce the amount of butter or oil used in most dishes by creating flavor with herbs and spices
  5. Adds a unique flavor to any dish

Spices to Combat Meal BoredomMy Top Ten Spices to Combat Meal Boredom

  1. Himalayan pink salt
  2. Ground or crushed red pepper flakes
  3. Old Bay seasoning
  4. Whole peppercorns
  5. Cinnamon and Nutmeg
  6. Fresh Garlic and Fresh Ginger
  7. Curry powder
  8. Cilantro
  9. Fresh basil
  10. Mrs Dash Salt Free Spices of all kinds

Substitution Tips for Health and  Flavor

  1. Rather than using soy sauce, I use Coconut Aminos in recipes. Unlike most soy sauce, Coconut Aminos is non-GMO, preservative-free and gluten-free, making it a much better option in our opinion. (if you don’t like coconut, try Braggs Liquid Aminos)
  2. Use Avocado Oil instead of Olive Oil for cooking.
  3. I  make dips using some of my  favorite herbs! Just mix them to taste with Greek yogurt.

Spices to Combat Meal BoredomWant some great recipes to combat meal boredom?

I am asked all the time about healthy, easy recipes to apply to our life. If you are like me, cooking is not something you have a lot of time to do. I have found that choosing a few new recipes each week and planning ahead with ingredients is a great way to build your skill. I am delighted to share this recipe book with you from my Clear the Way Program. CLICK HERE for my Healthy Recipes for Whole Food Eating Clear the Way Program is a virtual five Module Online academy and online coaching to guide a detox and digestion program using the Clear the Way Protocol.