Health Coaches Are Needed NOW!

Health Coaches Are Needed NOW!

Health Coaches Are NeededHealth coaches are needed NOW!. The Dis-ease care system needs them. Our medical industry continues to advance scientifically and doctors have very little time (or training) to talk about healthy lifestyles.

As a doctor, I worked primarily to identify and treat symptoms.

There is only so much a primary care doctor can do. There is no time to really work with  patients on developing goals and making changes.

I am excited to see more and more doctors starting to look towards health coaches to supplement the care of patients.

A study published in US National Institute of health, showed patients who received coaching and advice from primary care physicians (with or without the assistance by nurse educators) showed improvement in LDL-cholesterol.*
Another  study  in the UK showed that health coaching improves the management of chronic diseases. They observed that patients felt more motivated and closely supported to work towards their health goals with the addition of having a health coach.
Gyms, insurance companies, corporate wellness programs and schools are seeking out peer health coaches to supplement their health programs.  Health Coaches are needed to help guide, empower, support and motivate individuals to implement and sustain lifestyle and behavioral changes.
I am passionate about supporting and educating health coaches to creates successful business so they can work full time in their desired field.
What I  have found is new coaches have no idea about how to start a business and the elements involved in creating a successful business. I have a webinar on October 16th all about 5 Business Mistakes Health Coaches Make When Starting Their Business (and How to Overcome Them). This comes from my 15 years as a Health Coach!
CLICK HERE to register for the webinar
In this webinar you’ll learn: 

  • The 5 business mistakes most health coaches make and how to overcome them
  • How I created my six-figure wellness-focused lifestyle business
  • Key mindset shifts that will set you up for success
  • How to create Turn Key Business Systems

I know this from experience. I made these mistakes and it took me many years to learn the material I will present in this webinar so you can be free to run a successful health coaching business.


*The impact of a disease management program (COACH) on the attainment of better cardiovascular risk control in dyslipidaemic patients at primary care centres (The DISSEMINATE Study): a randomised controlled trial  BMC Family Practice 2012
** The effects of health coaching on adult patients with chronic diseases: a systematic review York (UK): Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (UK); 1995-

Review published: 2014.