Food Addiction – PART 2

Is Food Addiction real? Here are some of the scientific findings confirming that food can, indeed, be addictive: Sugar stimulates the brainā€™s reward centers through the neurotransmitter dopamine exactly like other addictive drugs. Brain imagining (PET scans) shows that high-sugar and high-fat foods work just like heroin, opium, or morphine in the brain. Brain imaging […]

Food Addiction – PART 1

There areĀ  diagnostic criteria for substance dependence or addiction. Letā€™s examine the research and the similarities between high-sugar, energy-dense, fatty and salty processedĀ  junk food and cocaine, heroin, and nicotine. Weā€™ll start by reviewing the diagnostic criteria for substance dependence or addiction found in the bible of psychiatric diagnosisā€”the DSM-IV and look at how that […]