Prebiotics, Probiotics and Your Microbiome

Your body is full of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Trillions of these tiny microbes—collectively called your microbiome—exist mainly inside your intestines, in your mouth, and on your skin. They are with you from birth.  While some bacteria and microbes are potentially harmful, others are extremely important for supporting your health. Diversity is Key and Prebiotics […]

Science and Your Gut/Skin Connection

The science of the gut/skin connection is not new! Beauty begins on the inside and we’re going to take a little dive into the connection between our skin and gut.  Researchers at Duke University were aware of a connection between skin health and gut health way back in the 1930’s when they connected the dots […]

How to Stop Sugar Cravings

How to Stop Sugar Cravings is what people ask me the most about. So many of us have sugar cravings that can feel uncontrollable! In this podcast I share that it is not about willpower.. it’s about biochemistry. You can change your internal pharmacy with lifestyle shifts. This episode is about action and relief ! […]

5 Foods to Avoid for Mental Health

5 Foods to Avoid for Mental Health is shining a light on how to protect your mental health with food. This is PART 3 in my series on mental health and your gut. There are foods that are good for the brain and foods that are bad for the brain. 5 Foods to Avoid for […]

Heartburn and Your Mood

Heartburn and your mood is PART 2 of my PODCAST SERIES on Mental Health and Your Gut If you think Heartburn is a minor symptom- think again. Acid reflux and mood disorders share a very close link. Unlike what we were made to believe, reflux is actually caused by insufficient levels of stomach acid. Causes […]

Mental Health and Your Gut- Part 1 Got Constipation?

Mental Health and Your Gut is a series designed to show you how our gut is connected to anxiety and depression and provide solutions to improve your mental well-being by optimizing your capacity to digest food and absorb nutrients. Part 1 is about how constipation can lead to recirculation of toxins and imbalance of your […]

Your Brain on Food

Your Brain on food is a new paradigm in medicine (even though it is an ancient concept). There is an important movement in psychiatry called nutritional psychiatry. It seems common sense, but, few psychiatrists prescribe “food” as part of their treatment plan.  I hope this is changing! Your Brain on Food Did you know that […]

Ground Zero for Mental Health

Ground Zero for mental health is the gut. This year I am committed to shining a light on the science behind how best to support mental health. Most people (including health professionals), think depression is a chemical imbalance. That is incorrect. The Role of Inflammation in Mental Illness Two decades of scientific research highlight the […]

Depressed? Check Your Gut Bacteria

Depressed? Check Your Gut Bacteria The Wall Street Journal has an article on this on December 22, 2020. Yes! At last, the realization that depression is a condition of inflammation (not a chemical imbalance of the brain) is gaining widespread attention. “The field of psychiatry has known about the role of the immune system in […]