7 Sneaky Sources of Added Sugar

7 Sneaky Sources of Added Sugar

Food ColoringMake sure you steer clear of these 7 sources of added sugar. Foods don’t have to be sweet to contain added sugar. An estimated 75% of packaged foods purchased in the US contain added sugar. This includes some surprising savory foods ranging from ketchup to baked beans. As you follow a low glycemic lifestyle, it is good to keep in mind these 7 sneaky sources of added sugar
1. Tomato Sauces
Tomato sauces and tomato-based past sauces may contain more sugar than they do any other ingredient besides tomatoes. The more “ready to serve” they are, the more likely it is to be laden with sugar.
2. Salad Dressings
In “reduced fat” salad dressings you get sugar instead of the healthy vegetable oils. They can contain up to 3 grams of sugar per tablespoon – about the same concentration, by weight, as a regular soda! Make your own vinaigrette using heart healthy oils like extra virgin olive oil and get flavor from vinegar and garlic and lemon instead of sugar.
3. Ketchup and Barbecue Sauces
Would you like some sugar with your burger and fries? A tablespoon of ketchup contains about 3.6 grams of sugar. Salsa is my favorite alternative.
4. Baked beans
The sweeter canned varieties have 20 grams of sugar per cup.
5. Cereals
Don’t be fooled by smart advertising! The healthy- sounding choices pack a big sugar punch. Oat brans, oat and wheat squares, granolas and other fiber-rich cereals typically contain 10-15 grams of sugar per serving. Check the labels!
6. Granola Bars
Granola and trail mix bars seem healthy but can just be crunchy delivery mechanisms for sugar. Chocolate and other coatings can easily bring the total to 20 grams per bar (and no fiber to offset sugar spike).
7. Frozen Entrees
Chicken pot pie, lasagna and honey roasted turkey all pack a good sugar punch. Forget about frozen entrees and start preparing your own food, choosing your own ingredients.

Adapted from Resources – Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter June 2015