Top Ten Tips for adding Alkaline foods to your diet

Top Ten Tips for adding Alkaline foods to your diet

In PART 1 HERE, I discussed the reason we should care about acidity and alkalinity.

Research shows that diets consisting of highly alkaline foods — fresh vegetables, fruits and unprocessed plant-based sources of protein, for example — result in a more alkaline urine pH level, which helps protect healthy cells and balance essential mineral levels.

A scientific review published in the “Journal of Environmental and Public Health” in 2012 suggests that a diet based heavily on alkaline foods can benefit your health.

Here are my top ten tips for  adding more alkaline foods to your diet.

  1. Cooked or raw, dark green leafy vegetables are among the most alkaline of all vegetables.
  2. Alkaline forming fruits are lemons, oranges, cherries, dates, figs, nectarines, pears, watermelon, apples, bananas, and avocados.
  3. Jicama, kale, sweet potatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, celery, bell peppers, beets, eggplant, cucumber, lettuces, mushrooms, squashes (including pumpkin), greens, and most herbs and spices.
  4. Instead of heavy condiments and sauces, use alkaline options such as ginger and garlic in your cooking!
  5. Instead of frozen vegetables (more acidic), get to the grocery store or your local farmers market for fresh, organic options
  6. Try to eliminate anything out of a can or a box, including most of the options in the freezer aisle.
  7. Reduce wheat flour, white flour, beef, shell fish, cheese and dairy, processed foods.
  8. Replace spagehtti with spaghetti squash
  9. If you drink one can of soda it takes 32 8oz. glasses of water to neutralize it. Drink lots of water!
  10. Use cucumber and jicama to dip in your guacamole!